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Brasília, DF, Brazil
Pai-Professor-Doutrinador-Artista Amador-Conscienciólogo-Consultor de Idiomas-especializado na Língua Inglesa. Sempai (Ikkyu) de Judô do MahaGuru Goh Thong Mong (Malásia). Aprendiz de Medicina Chinesa sob a tutela do Mestre Dr. Sifu Li Hon Ki (Santa Catarina). Estudioso e pesquisador das raízes das Artes Marciais e a Evolução do Ser. Seguidor das idéias de Joseph Campbell. Multiplicador Certificado do Programa Sri Sathya Sai da Universidade de Sai Baba na India em Educação em Valores Humanos.




Many are the Gods and Goddesses that compose the Ancient Vedic Pantheon described in the VEDAS, the four primary texts of Hinduism, having a vast influence on Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism.
They are the most extensive texts in the Indo-European language, and as such are invaluable in the study of comparative linguistics. They are named as follows:

1) RIG VEDA: The Book of Mantra
2) SAMA VEDA: The Book of Song
3) YAJUR VEDA: The Book of Ritual
4) ATHARVA VEDA: The Book of Spell

The VEDAS contain hymns, incantations, and rituals from ancient India. Not only do they have enormous spiritual value but also a cultural value because they give a unique view of the everyday life in India four thousand years ago.

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