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Brasília, DF, Brazil
Pai-Professor-Doutrinador-Artista Amador-Conscienciólogo-Consultor de Idiomas-especializado na Língua Inglesa. Sempai (Ikkyu) de Judô do MahaGuru Goh Thong Mong (Malásia). Aprendiz de Medicina Chinesa sob a tutela do Mestre Dr. Sifu Li Hon Ki (Santa Catarina). Estudioso e pesquisador das raízes das Artes Marciais e a Evolução do Ser. Seguidor das idéias de Joseph Campbell. Multiplicador Certificado do Programa Sri Sathya Sai da Universidade de Sai Baba na India em Educação em Valores Humanos.


KIAI - The Breath of Power

 This is the name given to the wellfamed battle cry of power.

KI –  – means Mind, Breath, Vital Energy or Spirit.

AI –  – comes from the word AIWASU which means 'Unite; Therefore, in a literal translation this composite words would means, literally, United Spirit or Concentrated Spirit.

In Korean Martial Arts the KIAI Shout is known as KIHAP ( 기 합 ). 

Nevertheless, this is not a precise interpretation of these words made one. According to Sensei Frederick John Lovret, when placed after, the word 'AI' becomes an indicator of greater emphasys.

KIAI then means: 'S P I R I T !'

In Japanese and Chinese Martial Arts movies, KIAI is frequently heard as 'Hee-Yah!', 'HayeYah!' or 'Heiah!', most people who have watched Bruce Lee movies notice that he uses and abuses of these abrupt tones and high pitches not natural at all that the Master-Creator of Jeet Kune Do emited while sparring.

In BUJUTSU (Japanese Art of War) KIAI is connected to an internal gathering of Energy which is released in one single focus of Will Power. To the students and practiotioners of KaraTe(Dô), JuDo, AikiDo and KenDo who hold colored belts, the Sensei teach the importance of KIAI (KIHAP to the students of TaeKwonDo and HapKiDo) Focus and Releasesão. FUrther along the path they learn the importance of KIAI in the performance of KATA.

In reality, this powerful tool which is KIAI, can be pronouced whichever way one's needs demand, or have whatever sound with wichever tone or pitch and syllable or even no sound at all, just complete and uterless silence, as long as it is applied within it's total purpose, for according to great masters of Martial Arts the sound of KIAI should come from the HARA or DANTIEN region, and not just simply from the throat out.

To the use of KIAI many pursposes are given by Martial Arts Practitioners:

Whether during dojo sparring or a match competition or in a self deffense situation, it is quite obvious that the ability to stun your opponent's mind is an advantage. In this application of KIAI the of it may not necessarily be in synchrony nor timed with the KIAI itself or the technique.

ATTRACT ATTENTION (in case of self deffense)
Even when an attacker isn't scared away with the deffender's shout, in case of self-deffense, other people are subject to hearing the shout and check out it's origins. Many of those that are inclined to attacking someone fear being caught, and they believe someone might find out what they've been up to they may interrupt any offensive actions. Of course, the 'scenarios' in which self deffense techniques are applied are complicated and unique, I am not saying that shouting will help you out each and every time one of the 'scenarios' come into being. Nevertheless, calling out attention with your voice usually creates possible results.

Even though an attacker may not be intimidated by your shout, shouting and letting out your KIAI may bring you the necessary Spirit. When combined with a scared or stunned opponent, the Spirit augments even more.

Exhaling Air while you shout (try to shout inhaling) is best for the torso's muscle contractions. This state of Torso Mucle Contraction is exactly the State desired so as to strike out blows, attacks, counter-attacks and apply dodging and blocking techniques. This state helps to 'Activate' many body parts to increase the complete trasference of impetus. It can also aid in polishing one's ability of resilience, as a target, to deal with any possible potential counter-strikes performed by an opponent or attacker.

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